Sector News

Upskill line managers to reduce burden falling on HR professionals

September 13, 2024
Borderless Leadership

HR professionals are spending a minimum of 2-3 hours per week supporting line managers with employee relations matters, according to findings published by esphr from WorkNest, with one fifth investing six or more hours per week.

The survey and analysis of over 700 line managers and 500 HR professionals, explored confidence levels of line managers in dealing with ER issues, finding that line managers regularly lean on HR departments for help when dealing with such matters. More than half questioned (52%) admitted they turn to HR every time there is an ER issue, with two thirds (66%) of these citing that this is because they do not feel comfortable handling the situations involved.

Costly impact on strategic HR initiatives
Having to consistently dedicate time and resources to dealing with ER issues that could otherwise be dealt with at the line-manager level, HR professionals are finding themselves diverted away from more strategic projects.

More than six in 10 HR professionals (61%) agreed that if line managers were more efficient in managing ER issues, this could free up time to spend on broader strategic HR initiatives. Furthermore, more than eight in 10 of HR professionals (82%) said that if line managers had further training on how to navigate ER matters then hours spent supporting them would reduce.

Most worry about legal ramifications of issues mismanagement
The report also reveals that concern regarding the mishandling of ER issues is widespread and shared amongst line managers and HR professionals alike. More than three quarters of both HR professionals and line managers express concern that mismanaging ER issues could lead to legal consequences. The costs of such legal ramifications are stark with Acas estimating that the cost of conflict to UK organisations is £28.5 billion and the average cost in management time of a formal grievance is estimated to be £951.

Many CPOs anticipate more ER issues this year
The report makes it plain that to minimise such legal costs, as well as increase productivity, performance and morale, investing in training line managers to deal with ER matters is vital. Worryingly however, more than six in 10 HR professionals (61%) questioned said that they are unaware or uncertain of their budget allocation for upskilling their line managers in ER matters. This is despite the fact that one in four HR professionals said they expect there to be more ER issues arising in the next 12 months, with a third of Chief People Officers questioned believing the same.

Sarah Dillon, Director of Legal and ER Advisory at esphr, said: “As we continue to navigate evolving cultural work trends, ER issues are only going to rise and become more complex. Neglecting this area can have significant consequences, making it crucial for line managers to be adept and efficient in addressing ER matters.

“HR professionals and line managers have a pivotal partnership in managing ER matters. HR professionals should be there to support line managers – at the right time, but not all the time. Our report shows that we need to enhance middle managers’ ability to handle ER matters more confidently and effectively. High performing line managers that feel empowered to nip issues in the bud before they escalate are the key to HR transformation.”

esphr has provided a series of pointers as to how HR can support line managers to manage ER issues:

  • Provide access to detailed guides and factsheets around HR policies and procedures
  • Offer ongoing mentoring and coaching
  • Run training sessions and workshops covering relevant topics such as stress management
  • Provide annual refresher training courses to ensure line managers are kept up to date with changes in HR policies and regulations
  • Leverage ER case management technology to ensure a seamless link between HR and line management teams


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