Sector News

ABB and Captimise to collaborate on decarbonization technologies for the cement industry

March 30, 2024
Advanced Industrial Solutions

ABB, Inc. (Zurich, Switzerland) and carbon-capture specialist Captimise are extending their collaboration to drive the adoption of cost-effective carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies in the cement industry. Under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the two companies will develop screening, feasibility and Front-End Engineering and Design studies. The initiative will support cement producers in identifying suitable and cost-efficient carbon capture technologies covering their full carbon chain, from capture, liquefaction and buffer storage to transport, permanent storage and utilization.

The initiative will combine ABB’s leading automation, electrification, instrumentation and digitalization technologies, and its extensive expertise in cement operations worldwide, with Captimise’s know-how on cost-effective carbon capture technologies and its experience in CCUS projects across the US and Europe.

“Our ongoing relationship with ABB has materialized on a number of projects across different industries, and we look forward to exploring further opportunities for cement customers,” said Mattias Jones, CEO of Captimise. “We draw on a track-record of more than 30 live case studies with CO₂ emitters across Europe and the US and know we’ll be able to support operations of all sizes in cement through combined CCUS, automation and electrification technologies.”

“Reducing the carbon emissions from cement manufacturing is a major challenge and a top priority for this industry,” said Max Tschurtschenthaler, Global Business Unit Manager, Cement, ABB Process Industries. “We are on a mission to make it more cost-effective. By combining our world-class automation, electrification and digital technologies with the know-how of partners like Captimise, we can further support the cement industry in achieving their climate and net zero targets.”

ABB and Captimise will also work together on promotional activities that bring their comprehensive study offering and services to potential customers in Europe.

By Mary Bailey


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