
The Formula for Success in International Executive Search

October 29, 2018

Finding top talent is never easy, but finding the right, qualified, top-tier executive can be exceedingly challenging. Especially when making a bad hiring decision for the top echelons of your organization could turn out to be very costly. A staggering 82% of companies don’t believe they recruit highly talented people, according to McKinsey. International executive search is both an art and a science, requiring talent search skills, contacts, and a proactive approach.

Trying to fill an executive vacancy on your own, particularly an international one, will take more time, which could be costlier in the long run, both in terms of resources devoted to the search and the impact of the unfilled vacancy on staff. Most corporations that decide to use an international executive search firm do so because they don’t have a broad, international network at hand.

Specialized international executive recruiters will have a valuable network of potential executive search international candidates that are not always readily identifiable in the market. They also have very focused expertise in recruitment strategy and tactics and will conduct detailed interviews and selectively present candidates for your consideration.

International executive search

A further advantage of turning to an international executive search firm is to gain access to a more diverse selection of candidatesDiversity is increasingly seen as an asset within a corporate setting and an important criterion for senior executives roles. According to a recent McKinsey study, companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. The study also says that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on their executive teams were 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability.

Being a specialized international executive recruiter, we have built up a global network of international executive search contacts in our industries of expertise at Borderless, giving us access to a far deeper, more diverse pool of premium talent. We also have an in-depth knowledge of our clients’ sector, whether it’s Chemicals & ConvertingLife Sciences, or Food & Drink, which is vital for finding suitable candidates.

International search firm

There are a number of criteria you should consider in selecting the right international executive search firm for your needs, including:

  • Knowledge of your sector
  • Personal references
  • Personal chemistry
  • Reach (local, national, global)

It’s important to work with an international executive search firm that understands your sector and the specific position you are seeking to fill. You should take a look at relevant assignments the international search firm has filled in recent years and compare that to the position you are seeking to fill. Check the client references and consider the chemistry you have with the person who will be conducting the search. Finally, make sure their scope of reach is sufficient to attract the right type of international executive search talent.

Take a look at our sector expertiseteam of consultantsseamless global reach, and get in touch to discuss your specific needs, today!

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